I was just served foreclosure, how long will it take for my house to be foreclosed upon?

For homeowners that defend themselves it can be as short as 6-10 months. However, if you hire an attorney that puts on a vigorous defense your foreclosure can be significantly delayed or stopped.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


If I am denied a loan modification, do I have options?

Yes, we do accept denial claims for our clients, each case is unique but we do submit a package when we attempt to call and fight for other programs. The reason for the denial must be analyzed. Each lender has their own guidelines to approve a loan modification.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


What should I do if I receive a loan modification offer in the mail?

All homeowners should have an attorney review their loan modification for hidden traps and dangers.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


Can bankruptcy stop my foreclosure?

Yes, bankruptcy temporarily stops or stays all foreclosure actions. Bankruptcy however is not for everyone, but it is a viable option for some homeowners who are facing a foreclosure sale date and are unable to have their loan restructured. 

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


Will I be taxed on a deficiency after foreclosure?

That depends, you will want your attorney to protect you from being sued for a deficiency judgement by negotiating to forgive the debt. In many cases, you will be relieved from paying the income tax on the forgiven debt, if the property was your primary residence and not an invested property. This protection is currently in place in 2012.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


I just lost my job and can't pay for my mortgage next month. What options do I have?

For most homeowners, we suggest for that the howeowners save as much money as possible while they keep looking for gainful employment. The programs to help unemployed homeowners are not very effective, but there are other sources of income that can be presented to the lender. We can use this and other methods to help get the best possible result for our clients.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.


Can you guarantee me a lower mortgage payment?

No attorney can guarantee results in any matter. Every case is unique and we accept clients that we feel comfortable representing. We can guarantee that your case will be handled professionally and with the utmost care.

To book a free consultation to know more about this answer, click here.





Why am I sending documents to your firm that I've sent before?

Most lending institutions require certain documentation to remain up to date (e.g. bank statements, pay stubs). Our firm takes a proactive stance and provides updated documents (every 30 days) as required by the banks.


What if I have a complaint about the way my case is being handled?

While our firm has a stellar record, occasionally clients do issue a complaint. We take these complaints seriously and conduct a thorough investigation of any complaints. We then work with our client to resolve the complaint. If, in fact, you do have a legitimate complaint and/or are not satisfied with the services you are receiving from our firm, please contact one of our Operations Managers, David Ramos, at (877) 882-5338 x212 or Sherrill Clark, at (877) 882-5338 x211.


If I am denied a loan modification, can I attempt a short sale, or deed in lieu of foreclosure?

Yes, if you are denied a loan modification, or simply wish to change your desired outcome, please feel free to contact us to discuss these options. It is common for you to be able to do this without incurring any additional fees. Please keep in mind that your retainer of our firm is valid for twelve months, and that after twelve months, an additional retainer would be necessary.

 Please contact our offices at (877) 882-5338 to discuss loan modification with your attorney.


How long does it typically take Amerihope Alliance Legal Services to return my phone calls?

Our policy is that each and every phone call is to returned within 24 hours. If you do not receive a phone call responding to your inquiry within 24 hours, please contact our reception desk at (877) 882-5338. The receptionist will escalate your matter to the appropriate supervisor.


What do I do if I receive an offer in the mail from my bank?

If this occurs, please fax the documents to your paralegal IMMEDIATELY, and the firm will contact you to discuss the offer with you. We will then be able to assist you with your decision as to how to further proceed. Please be aware that these offers are time sensitive and require immediate attention.


What do I do if my lender claims they have never heard from Amerihope Alliance Legal Services?

The main reason that this happens is that your lender is not organized and has failed to properly document your file. If your lender makes this claim, it is extremely important for you to document the name, ID # and/or extension of the representative notifying you of this, the date and time of the phone call and the phone number from which the call originated. Then log in to your case and provide the information to the paralegal working on your case.


Can I call the paralegal and/or attorney working on my case?

In order to keep our fees as low as possible, we provide the best possible legal services in the most cost effective manner. Due to the fact that our clients are not billed hourly, our attorneys' and paralegals' time is most efficiently used by primarily working on our clients' cases. If your attorney/paralegal feels he/she needs to speak with you, he/she will contact you.

Our policy is to update clients every 7-10 business days. If you would like to speak with your paralegal between scheduled updates, you may call them directly or log in to your case status page and request an appointment. They will do their best to return your call within 24 hours. Please remember that while they are speaking with you, they are being diverted from actually working on your case. Please log in to our case status site to check for the most recent updates before calling. Remember, you can also use this system to send messages to the paralegal working on your case.


Can you guarantee results?

No, no attorney can ethically guarantee a result. The guarantee of a result implies that your fee is refundable if your lawyer is unsuccessful. Such a fee would then be contingent on the outcome of the case. If a lawyer guarantees a result, ask them to put it in writing. If they will not reduce it to writing, they lied to you. The best way to judge a lawyer is to research his/her results. Please feel free to see the Case Results section of our website. Amerihope Alliance Legal Services diligently works to secure the most beneficial outcome for our clients.

 Please contact our offices at (877) 882-5338 or log in to your case if you have any questions.


Why is there more than one person assigned to my case?

In addition to our attorneys, Amerihope Alliance Legal Services has a team that will work on your case to obtain the best results.


What should I do if I receive a summons for foreclosure while under retainer with your firm?

Even if you are in negotiations with your lender, your lender can still pursue a foreclosure action if you are delinquent on your mortgage. Hiring an attorney cannot prevent this, but having an attorney representing you puts you in a much more advantageous position to respond to the summons and use affirmative defenses to contest the foreclosure action. If you are served while under retainer with Amerihope Alliance Legal Services, contact the paralegal managing your case immediately.


How can I receive updates on my case?

All clients are entered into our on-line case status system. You are able to log on 24/7 to check the status of your case. All updates made to your case are entered into this system. This is also the most efficient way to contact your paralegal and others who are working on your case.
